
25.0 - Episode 25



This week, say bye-bye to citrus fruits, spit in Benjamin Button’s face, and hear a letter of love from a father to his soon-to-be-born daughter. The last of those stories is the first short piece by a new guest author, Jeff Glauser.   Everyone, I hope that you all know that you should feel free to contact me through with anything you might want to say, be it praise, critique, advice, or simply saying hello.  You can also keep up with or communicate with the podcast by going to or following Prose on Twitter through @prosepodcast or on Facebook under the same handle, though Twitter is the far more active of the two. I would also act that you please consider going to iTunes and leaving a rating and/or review for Prose.  These ratings and reviews help your friends and others find the podcast, and they ensure it can continue ever-forward. Thank you for making Prose part of your day.  Let’s get to the pieces, shall we? This week, we have  “The Rotten State,” featuring the mu