Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Alara Sage, The Power of Vulnerability and How Vulnerability Opens Us Up to Our Unique Potential, Episode 289



Happy Women's History Month, my extraordinary friends! I'm thrilled that we are part of Channel Four's Week of Women for the fourth year in a row with our Extraordinary Women Connect gala being held in Denver on International Women's Day on March 8. This event is all about connecting great women to great women, and we have an extraordinary lineup of women leaders joining us that evening. If you're in Colorado, join us! You can register here. Today, we're digging into the power of vulnerability and how vulnerability opens us up to our unique potential with Alara Sage. She is a teacher, mentor and healer. She works with the courageous who are willing to show up and who deeply desire to live an authentic, creative, pleasurable, and fulfilled life. Alara lives what she teaches and shares from her own experiences. She is courageous, authentic and powerful yet tender and compassionate. Her clients tell her that she has a unique way of seeing life that allows her to easily express herself in a way that they can rel