Cc Podcast

Rapid Response to Diet for Colitis: Stephanie Colo Manning



Today I spoke with Stephanie Colo Manning who is chef and owner of Colo Kitchen which offers consulting and cooking lessons for people who want to transition to a nutrient dense, whole foods diet. She also had colitis and is someone who had a relatively rapid response to the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD) and was able to maintain her remission without the use of medications with confirmed healing by colonoscopy. We also have a very detailed discussion about implementing the SCD which I imagine would be very helpful to both those who are thinking about starting it and also to those who are SCD veterans.As a disclaimer, it is advisable that you discuss any dietary therapies with your physicians first. I have done many of the research studies regarding SCD for IBD and so far the evidence is still considered weak (in the form of case reports/case series); however, randomized controlled trials are being conducted now at other centers so I am hopeful in the future we will have stronger evidence to determine more