Creator Lab

Nick Huber, Sweaty Startup // Deep Inside The Real Estate Game + The Philosophy Of What Matters



Nick Huber is a real estate entrepreneur, self-storage owner & operator. His commercial real estate portfolio is approaching $30mil in assets (as of 2021) & he's built a name for himself by championing "sweaty startups" aka unsexy businesses. Nick has built a 100k following on Twitter by transparently sharing the lessons learned from his time in business & by simplifying concepts in the real estate game. Let us know what you think of this convo on Twitter: @bzaidi and @sweatystartup Watch and subscribe on YouTube: After listening to part 1, you'll understand: the equation for getting wealthy in the real estate game the difference between creating vs growing wealth categories of real estate beyond what 99% of people invest in, from self-storage, to cemeteries & tiny homes - you'll learn about niche opportunities with less competition how real estate investors can make millions & legally pay little in taxes with depreciation, bonus depreciation & 1031 exc