Creator Lab

Ryan Begelman, Summit Series // Holistic Entrepreneurship, Philosophy + Buying A Mountain



Who Is Ryan? Ryan Begelman co-founded Summit Series, described as “TED meets Burning Man” & “The Davos of Gen Y” by Forbes They’ve become known for hosting incredible events with thousands of leading creators like Richard Branson, Jeff Bezos & Jessica Alba. Summit acquired Powder Mountain, America’s largest ski resort after pre-selling the opportunity to their community. Ryan also bought into Bisnow Media, became CEO & sold for a reported $50mil+, all without venture capital. What You’ll Learn Part 1: Business Frameworks + Backstory Framework For Business Ideas – a technique to generate ideas: marketing, monetization + markets Bootstrapping + Buying A Mountain – how they pre-sold an idea to their community to buy a mountain for $50mil + why you should consider bootstrapping too Joint Venture Waterfalls – applying a concept from private equity to real estate + businesses Dealflow – four ways to think about generating deal flow: hunting, trapping, farming, trading Replacing Yourself – how to fin