I Am Avatar

Module 1: Welcome to the Seal of Coherence



  with Tiara Kumara... Go to guided audio meditations for this module This is a very important first module! The Seal of Coherence is the foundational overlay to our biological mutation and the one that, when opened, creates a needed vibrational base for the synergistic unlocking of all of the other Seals.   Again, these seals within us are portals of consciousness that we are activating and expanding through as a pathway to actualize our greater potential. Opening this seal helps you to:   Integrate the Greater Self into your physical expression Recalibrate your entire energy body so that you can embody the vibration of oneness, permanently. Build stronger coherence with your whole-listic self as a vast, multidimensional creator being. Know that YOU are the creator of your reality and all of its reflections. Learn how to tap into the same power that drives the entire universe.