Grit And Grace

Creating a Magical Life



The expansive energy of 2023 is bringing new ways to clear space to bring more joy into our lives. To move with more flow and truly create the life we desire. Tahverlee brings us the juice on how we can create a magical life. She gives us three foundational practices to implement today to bring more of what we desire into our daily lives.Understanding that you are always creating, stepping out of your fear, and diving deep into how everything – everything – is connected. Know yourself inside and out, take inspired action, and you will create your most magical life.Tahverlee is a Social Impact Entrepreneur, High Priestess, Ritualist, and Initiate of the Sacred Way. Visit Moon Temple Mystery School for ancient teachings for our modern world, spiritual coaching, and everything you need to know as you walk your awakening path. Journey with us during The Witching Hour, a FREE evening of enchantment to explore the mysteries that remain an ever-evolving field of knowledge.Join us in Mystery School:Dip your toes into