Manifestation Babe

(#271) Manifesting becoming a firefighter and overcoming a lifetime of low self worth with Caitlyn Wood



Today is part three of my MBA alumni success series! In this episode, I am bringing to you Caitlyn's story! I recently sat down with a few of my incredibly inspiring, and all so different MBA students, that share how their life has been entirely TRANSFORMED by The Manifestation Babe Academy. Caitlyn is a full-time firefighter from Australia, who completely shifted how she was showing up for herself over the course of MBA. She is going to share how she completely shifted her identity, her self-worth, and self-love as a result of MBA. I love her energy so much and I know you will too. So without further ado, let's dive into Caitlyn’s story.   As you are listening to this episode, if this is exactly the transformation I want, then MBA is the place for YOU! MBA is literally my life's work jam-packed into a 20-week program where I take you on a journey of what it means to manifest your dream life and be the architect of your mind. It shows you how to bring about anything that you could possibly desire, literally