Gain, Grow, Retain Podcast

QBRs Need an Overhaul



QBRs are a topic of conversation almost any place that CS professionals gather. That is because they are a vital tool in helping customers understand how your product aligns with their business goals. The problem is these meetings have become another task, and one that many customers are skipping. So how do you move from the old way to a new, more engaging way of talking to customers? Make it more about them instead of you Share metrics and slides ahead of time - bonus points for recording a video companion! Share info about what stakeholders will be interested in specific information Open actual call with a chance for the customer to get clarification, but spend the majority of the time asking open-ended questions Identify scheduled meetings that you can join and share Create a 1-page document with post-meeting action items What are some ways you are shifting into a new QBR framework? ----- Gain Grow Retain exists to connect people, knowledge, and ideas to advance the state of customer success. We're on a m