Pickard Henn Sermons

Geloof & Finansies



Every night I would go into my room, fall flat on my face and wait until He comes! I am reminded not of who I was, but who I am meant to be! I am reminded that I have been washed clean and been set free. Sin no longer has a hold on me, death where is your sting!? I am reminded that it’s not about anything I did but EVERYTHING Jesus did! I am reminded that the old has passed away and that I am now a new creation. My biggest prayer is this , that all things be completely pushed aside so I might KNOW HIM! I want to have such history with Jesus, that when I leave earth, we will just continue our friendship! This is part 3 of the Douglas 2019 weekend. What a blessed times it was. The presence of the Lord so flooded the place. The gospel was preached, the sick got healed, the deaf ears opened up, miracles all over the place!! Lord Jesus, we worship You!!