Poet Waffle

Poet Waffle #26 (Emma Critchley)



Poet Daniel Cockrill takes Poet Waffle on the road and visits the studio of artist and film maker Emma Critchley for an intimate chat. During this chat they explore the visceral space between fact and fiction to reveal certain truths that can’t necessarily be explained by these other fields. They also attempt to answer the Poet Waffle Big Question; Should the Space Inside Your Head Be Free? Topics include: Making Images Underwater, Learning To Dive, Working Organically, How Everything Changes Underwater, Conservation and our Relationship to the Deep Sea Environment, The Potential Consequences Of Deep Sea Mining, Hope For The Future, Finding Balance, Finding Headspace, Communication Through Zoom, Social Media, Never Using The Word ‘Should’, Autism & Autism Diagnosis, Obtaining Funding, Art Outside The Gallery, Exploring Cross Media Platforms, How a Photographic Background Impacts Your Work, Success as an Artist and Plenty of Parental Advice.