Mikee Shattuck

Private Label Dropshipping in 3 Steps



Watch Video Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lJfNdz-3u5Q Free Private Label Dropshipping Training: ➡ http://Mikeeshattuck.com/Learn Some things just don’t make sense. Especially in the business world. In fact, the longer I’m in business and deal with other business people (and hear from other business people) the more things "don’t make sense" things I see and hear. Take the following for example: ✅ People who claim that they can teach me how to make $10k per month, but aren’t making anywhere near this for themselves. ✅ So-called ‘gurus’ promoting their traffic courses that can’t be found anywhere in the organic SERP’s. ✅ Testing small, insignificant changes, like button color, instead of big, bold changes. ✅ Believing that an expensive and time-consuming redesign will solve all your ‘lack of sales’ problems. ✅ Presuming that just because you’re tired of looking at your website, your customers are too. ✅ Assuming people are visiting your site in a vacuum. They get interrupted and distracted by chat,