Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

46: Julie Gray, How to Improve Time Management and Reduce Stress



Today’s Guest I originally met today's guest via Twitter. She sent me a message suggesting that we "meet up" on Skype and get to know each other. I was intrigued. I do often have one-to-one "networking" meetings via Skype, but I wasn't familiar with her work. I checked out her website and immediately set up an appointment to speak. I love what she does, and instantly invited her to be a guest here. I hope you enjoy this episode! Julie Gray is a Holistic Time Coach and author of the True For You Time Management Workbook. Julie works with passionate business owners who love what they do so much they have a hard time shutting off and are craving more balance. Together you will identify the time and organizing systems you need - at work and home - to feel more confident stepping away from your business for a day, a week, or even a month at a time. Julie’s specialty is uncovering your unique system that fits your life and natural work style so that it actually lasts. Using mindfulness, neuroscience, and behaviora