Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

43: Louise Cardon, How to Get From Frazzled to Serene



Today’s Guest Catherine Watkin originally recommended today's guest to me. I was looking for some help with personal issues, both physical and emotional, and she recommended Louise Cardon as a flower essences practitioner. I had used essences before, for many years, but it wasn't until I worked with Louise that I felt confident that I was taking the exact essences that I needed to make the changes I wanted in my life. Louise Cardon is 'The Queen of Calm'. Following a career as a geophysicist in the oil and gas industry, which was high pressured and stressful, she now helps others learn how to go from 'frazzled' to feeling serene. She works with women business owners who need to find their flow and be more in tune with what they offer. This may mean that they need help with confidence or dealing with negative emotions that hold them back from showing up as the best they can be. It can also be that they are not practising what they preach or ‘walking their talk’ which makes it difficult to present a credible i