Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

42: Judy Heminsley, How to Be More Effective When Working from Home



Today’s Guest I think I originally discovered today's guest via Francesca Geens. I am a HUGE fan of working from home, so I instantly fell in love with her website. She's got a wealth of resources for people who are looking to work from home, or who already work from home. Do check it out. Judy Heminsley is the founder of Work from Home Wisdom, the blog that provides advice for and by home and mobile workers. She publishes many stories of people working from home, and photos of their home offices, wherever they are in the house or garden She is the author of Work from Home (How To Books), a practical guide to living and working in the same place. Judy was a pioneer of Jelly co-working in the UK, and her How to Start Your Own Jelly guide is available free on the blog, and has been used by groups all over the world. In her Success Reviews she works one-to-one with stuck home workers to help them see the wood from the trees. Judy also organises workshops for organisations wanting to help staff adjust to working