Business Mindset Podcast With Holly Worton| Business Mindset For Women Entrepreneurs

39: Holly Worton, How to Know Which Social Media Sites to Use



Today’s Guest It’s me! Last time you heard me, I shared a bit about my seven step system to using social media the heart-centered way. Today we're going to talk a bit about how to know exactly which social media sites you need to be on, so you can ignore the rest. Yes, you have my permission to not be on every single social network that's out there. In fact, I'd rather have you just focus on a couple of sites and really build your network there. So, about me: in case you haven’t yet read my About page, here’s a little bit about me (in the third person, in the spirit of a typical bio): Holly Worton helps coaches, holistic practitioners, and women in heart-centered businesses go from confusion to confidence with social media, so they can use it to build relationships online and get more clients. As a heart-centered business owner, you do amazing work, and Holly wants to help you help more people. The way to do that is through Connection, and social media is one of the best ways to connect with others and build