Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Rachel Rider, Executive to Entrepreneur, Episode 291



Hello my extraordinary women friends. I hope your week of International Women's Day festivities was as connected and beautiful as mine was. It was such a beautiful time to celebrate the accomplishments of women entrepreneurs around the globe. I held my Extraordinary Women Connect gala on International Women's Day where we had an amazing lineup of our circle of inspiration, facilitators and a room full of extraordinary women doing extraordinary things. And so I love when I can go to a conference and walk away with learnings myself as well as sharing some of my insights and some of my teachings that I do. I'm going to be doing monthly events all year long this year! You can check out my website to find out what's going on. I love inner work and today, we dive into why Rachel Rider believes that the first relationship any leader must work on is the one they have with themself. When we do the inner work with ourselves, our relationship with our outer world and our other relationships change. The more we do our o