Extraordinary Women Radio With Kami Guildner

Corin Grillo, Awakening Our Spiritual Gifts and Discovering Our True Purpose By Working With Angels and the Divine, Episode 290



This is a fun episode because we're going to be diving into how angels are connected to money and learn how you can tap into your own angel. I love to play in this realm and I am excited to introduce you to Corin Grillo. A mind-blowing miracle from the angels saved her life, cured her of life-long depression, and awakened her spiritual gifts. She now teaches people from all over the world how to awaken their spiritual gifts, heal their lives, and discover their true purpose by working with angels and the Divine. She teaches by bridging others with direct mystical experiences, excessive amounts of laughter, down-to-earth spiritual wisdom, ritual, and powerful energy medicine that awakens the heart, mind, and soul.   In This Episode: Corin shares the miracle that she needs to share with other people How she broke through a lot of walls so the spirit can communicate with her Her journey of trusting herself and the angels to get her back What happened during one of her therapy sessions when messages