Geek Herring

Geek Girl Reviews: The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy by Sam Maggs



For the first episode of Geek Girl Reviews, Amanda & Monika talk about the book they wished they read when they were younger: Sam Maggs' book "The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy: A Handbook for Girl Geeks" might become your holy grail of girl geekdom if you ever wanted to find out more about Fangirls and eventually want to become one. Sam Maggs - who you can find on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook - is a Canadian expat writer living in Los Angeles who shows the reader in a fun, quirky and loveable way what it is to be a fangirl (CAN WE BE FRIENDS?), how to find geek friends and bring existing friends to the geeky dark-side, and all the things you need to know when you visit a Convention for the very first time (and all the other times after that). Not only does she give insights why Geek Girls rock, the book helps who feel a little bit like misfits amongst others, and helps them own their true selves. While there might not be a lot of new things for the hardcore-geeky hosts, they would recommend the book t