Geek Herring

Geeking Out: Looking Forward Into 2019



What’s going on in the Geek world in 2019? Amanda and Monika get all excited about the movies, series, and general awesomeness (often lead by amazing females) that are going to hit us this year. Tune in if you want to be as excited as the hosts, and get some valuable tips on upping your geek girl feminism game as well. Get the list of all published works that move over to public domain here Read more about the Fortnite Worldcup Join the Mailing List for the Video Game Nonference in London Come with Geek Herring to Gamescom Join the Feminist Bootcamp by If you’ve enjoyed this episode, please check out some of our others! And don’t forget to leave an iTunes review and check us out on social media: @geekherring on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter! You can also find us on our website and over on Patreon!Geekily yours, Amanda & MonikaSupport Geek Herring ★ Support this podcast on Patreon ★