Erasing Shame

Where Pastors and Their Spouses Can Have a Safe Space to Talk and Get Care



Diana Sun and Sam Lee of Standing Stone Ministry elaborate on how they’re a part of a most wonderful ministry that shepherd shepherds, caring and supporting pastors, ministry leaders, and their spouses, to stay healthy, to prevent burnout, and to not carry their burdens alone.  Learn how it’s become even more stressful for pastors and families during and after the coronavirus pandemic; and how Standing Stone Ministry is helping pastors get through these challenging times. Plus, it’s all FREE to pastors because of generous donors that make it possible. Pastors, don’t wait until you’re in crisis before you reach out. If you’re not thriving in ministry, your best decision is to talk with Standing Stone Ministry—you have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Standing Stone Ministry also has field shepherds with years of pastoral experiences to provide mentoring and guidance for church leadership topics like church board management and Asian American church contexts. Share this episode with other pastors too so