Off Script With Trish Glose

Andrea Slonecker on "Wine Food", pretzels, and her new project (years in the making)



A life and a career revolving around all things culinary, and she wouldn't have it any other way. Originally from Nebraska, Andrea Slonecker says she always dreamed of traveling and moving away (although she says she 100% appreciates those roots more now), and Trish and Andrea bond over those famous mom-casseroles that still hold special places in their heart. She talks about loving to cook for friends in college, right about the time the Food Network was getting popular on TV, and she quickly became hooked on the shows and food culture. She moved to Portland on a whim after college, mostly because it was this growing food scene and Andrea wanted to be a part of it. She worked in restaurants and did some catering (she jokes about having 6-7 jobs when she moved there), trying to find her path. She eventually found it and has been unstoppable ever since. She's written several cookbooks, did magazine work, collaborated on so many projects, and is excited about a new project, years in the making, coming out