ADHD Support Talk Radio

Top Productivity Complaints & Solutions



Aron Croft joins Lynne Edris to discuss the top productivity complaints they hear from their clients, as well as solutions and strategies to improve them. They talk about reducing overwhelm and the need for willpower, and why the emphasis on “getting more in” and working harder is often so misdirected.  Podcast Co-Host Lynne Edris s a Productivity & ADHD Coach who helps overwhelmed professionals from all over the world learn to accomplish what they intend and take control of their days with ease so that they can perform at the level of their abilities and have more time, more energy and more bandwidth for what matters most to them. Lynne is a woman, wife, and mom with ADHD herself, so she understands the struggles and challenges of living with ADHD. She has gone from living in the constant state of chaos, overwhelm, and under-performance that adults with ADHD know far too well, to living a life of more success and fulfillment than she once dreamed possible. Her passion is to help others fulfill their own