Kettlebrook West Bend

Lamentations 1



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. When you hear the word “lament” what comes to mind? 2. Is there anything that you are currently lamenting? 3. Do you find it difficult to lament? Why or why not? 4. Read Lamentations chapter 1. In what ways can you identify with the poet/author? In what ways do you find it difficult to identify with the poet/author? 5. Of the above three “causes of lamenting”, which do you find yourself most likely to engage with and why? Least likely to engage with? 6. What are some of your own sins you might need to lament? 7. What lament(s) do you need to bring to Jesus? How do you think He would respond to your lament? 8. How might growing in lament help you appreciate Jesus more? What might that look like this week?