Kettlebrook West Bend

Courage, Daniel 3



Questions for Reflection/Discussion: 1. In what ways might there be different versions of you? Maybe a Friday night “you” and a Sunday morning “you”? A work “you” and a home “you”? Why is this the case? 2. Share a time when you have seen someone demonstrate courageous consistency of character. 3. Have you been in a situation where you failed to demonstrate courageous consistency of character? What was that like for you? 4. Of the three pressures that referenced above, which one can you relate to most? Least? Why is this? 5. Read Daniel chapter 3, verses 16-18. What about the response of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego is most convicting for you and why? Inspiring? 6. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego trust boldly in and surrender completely to God. Do you? If so, how is this demonstrated in the day to day things of your life? If not, what is keeping you bound? 7. Jesus told his disciples that the Scriptures pointed to Him (Luke 24:25-27). How might this be the case in Daniel 3 and how might y