Rust Belt Startup

Finding Career Superpowers, Building Online Communities, and F-Words with Scott Grates



Rust Belt Startup · Finding Career Superpowers, Building Online Communities, and F-Words with Scott Grates It’s great to be back and welcome Scott Grates to the podcast. Scott is first and foremost in the insurance business - but this isn’t a podcast about insurance. It's a conversation about how do you figure out how to reverse engineer a career that helps you live how you want to live. It’s about building systems that can save you from yourself, and it’s about essential advice from a dad to a son. He’s created a robust online community and service called Insurance Agency Optimization, that leverages his superpower of building efficient processes for agency owners that are trying to optimize their own businesses. So we spend time discussing how you build, grow and nurture an online community.  Finally we talk about Scott’s new book - Essential F-Words for Teens: The 117 Things You Need to Know Before Graduation.