Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Small Moments Matter: How Consistency Builds Trust with Pamela Brooks Richards (Ep. 131)



What is trust? What factors make up trust? What factors make others feel trust towards us and vice versa? When the trust factor goes up, the work gets done. But how can we move towards building it authentically during times where people are more politically divided than ever before?In this week's episode, Denise Cooper interviews Pamela Brooks-Richards for her take on how we can build genuine trust in the face of change. It can feel extremely uncomfortable to say "no" to our bosses or other authority figures in our working life. What do we do when the noise in our head tells us we can't "be bad", and our nervous system gets activated in challenging work situations? Trust is not only about telling the truth and keeping promises, but it is also about being accountable and restoring trust when it is broken. Building authentic trust in the workplace takes time and effort. It requires accountability, restoration, and confidentiality. Trust is built and destroyed in small moments, so it is essential to be consiste