Closing The Gap With Denise Cooper

Transforming Your Voice, Transforming Your Career: A Guide to Executive Presence



Have you considered how your tone of voice impacts your executive presence? When we think about growing our influence and presence in the workplace, we often think of driving business metrics, increasing sales, or making ourselves more visible to higher-ups. However the numbers are simply one facet of your contribution to your team. Have you considered that the language, tonality, and volume and inflection you use also plays a huge role in how others perceive you? In today's episode Dr. Miluna Fausch, an Executive Communication & Presence Coach, teaches listeners how to build confidence in their communication skills by leveraging one's whole self - physical, energetic, mental, and emotional - to influence others and achieve goals. If you're looking for tips to uplevel your communication and presence in your career, this is the episode for you.THE FINER DETAILS OF THIS SHOWWhat do we do if other people perceive us to be communicating in ways they don't like? [06:44]How can I become more aware of my execut