Authentic Health Coaching - Nutrition Podcast

Natasha Trenev Interview - Probiotics and Digestive Health | Acidophilus | Probiotics Research | Gut Microbes |



In this show, we interview Natasha Trenev, probiotics expert with a family history of 750 years in probiotics. Natasha is an expert on probiotics and has shared her knowledge with many through books, journal articles and articles in major scientific, peer-reviewed publications. She wrote the pioneering book in the field: Probiotics: How Live Yogurt and Other ‘Beneficial Bacteria’ Can Restore Health and Vitality. She is currently working on additional books in the series of Probiotic Health Guides to continue her quest to educate the public. She is also working on her most scholarly yet easy-to-read book, which she hopes will become the global “probiotics bible.” For more information about Natasha, visit her at We'd like to thank you for subscribing to the Authentic Health Coaching Nutrition Podcast show - so we're giving away Dr. Corson's Top 5 Nutrition Tips Report for our subscribers at