Inbox Besties With Kate Doster

[AMA] How do you stay true to yourself?



Today's episode is a listener's question - How do you stay true to yourself online? This one is a juicy one (honestly I feel like it's the best episode we've ever done.) so be sure you listen all the way to the end.  We cover: How to stay true yourself & let the "real you" shine through The number #1 most important lesson you need to master if you're a personal brand How to know if they decisions you're making in your business are the "right ones" (Like should you do X or Y?) If you'd like me to riff on a certain topic or you've got a question for me to answer head over to now.    Helpful links: Let's be friends on IG - @kate_doster Get Love Your List Self Paced - Get 25+ premade Trello Magic (and bonus social media captions with Trello Magic) -