Chats With Susan Burrell

Astrology As A Healing Tool



EP#220 - Astrology As A Healing Tool, An Interview with Astrology Expert and Author, Carmen Turner-Schott I am so excited to welcome my guest, Carmen Turner-Schott to Empowering Chats. Carmen is an astrology expert and an author. Her book, Sun Signs Houses and Healing is the first book about astrology that I’ve read and understood clearly. Carmen’s approach is simple, clear and so easy to follow. Carmen gives her readers suggestions on the positive and challenging aspects of your sun sign and how to put self-care first. We shared a fun, interactive chat about self-care and self-awareness. This is especially important for those of us who are empaths or givers, as we always seem to put our needs last. Carmen sees this pattern in her life and in the life of those she works with. Ignoring yourself will eventually catch up to you – we all have to make an effort to replenish our energy. Carmen points out that everything is energy and each sign in astrology has tools that can help you see how to replenish yourself.