You've Been Mic'd

Episode 20 - Isaac Johnson & The No Excuse Crew



We are live in the studio today with my boy Isaac Johnson & The No Excuse Crew ! Timestamps: [2:28]What does the word motivation mean to you? [3:35]How do you motivate yourself, how do you motivate others?  [7:06]When did you become motivated to start working out in the gym and working on yourself? Why?  [8:51]What event has had the greatest influence on your career?  [9:56] Heard, you are doing a show soon, what motivated you to do that and talk about it a little  [10:50]How and why did you start the #TheNoExcuseCrew?  [12:14]Where did it start and how did it get to where it is?  [15:33]Devens Listener Questions -- why did you decide to start your own client training service?  [17:23]How much is social media affecting the fitness industry, and your business as a whole?  [21:38]Is TNEC your full time job or just part time? And if so how do you manage your time and make time for your family and kids?  [22:07]What is your biggest accomplishment w