Elaine Lindsay Keep Breathing!

The Night The Lights Went Out 47th Anniversary S4 E11



It was March 20th, 1976. It was about two o'clock in the morning. It was really, really horrifically cold and we were still counting our cold and Fahrenheit Back then, it was that kind of weird foggy, you get in the middle of winter, painfully cold, even the fog feels frozen on your skin. It was now Saturday morning   Asleep at home, just after midnight, the phone rang. It was someone we knew. He'd been picked up by the police for drinking and driving. There was a time, I guess an awful lot of people drove drunk. How long ago you asked? Well, in fact, that was 47 years ago. My research told me it was a leap year. I  doubt I knew then that it was a leap here or if that actually mattered.   I ran into someone a couple of weeks ago at an event. someone local, who had an accident about nine months ago, and she was horrifically banged up in the accident. It caused her some hearing loss. It caused her to have heart issues. She took a brutal the brunt of the steering wheel and suffered as very serious concussion   T