Tuesday Breakfast

The Carbon Cost of Native Tree Logging, Common Conversations, Frenzy Theatre Co,Trans Day of Vengeance



 0:15 The Carbon Cost of Native Tree Logging  Dr Jennifer Sanger and Sue McKinnonDid you know that emissions from native forest logging in south-eastern Australia are greater than Australia’s domestic aviation industry? Earth Matters' Eiddwen Jeffery speaks with Dr Jennifer Sanger from environmental research group, Tree Projects. Dr Sanger discusses three new reports tracking the carbon footprint created by native logging in Southeast Australia and the efforts being taken by the logging industry to hide this carbon cost.Sue McKinnon from Kinglake Friends of the Forest gives us an update on KFF and Environmental East Gippsland’s success in court last year. Calling for greater transparency in the Victorian government’s plan to phase out native logging and the citizen science efforts underway in 2023 to ensure Victoria’s forests stay protected.0:55 Common Conversations with Laura O'Connell Rapria and Holly HammondLaura O’Connell Rapria, the former director of Aotearoa digital campaign organization ActionStation