Darling Rage Nation

Finding Your People & Building Geeky Community Online with Jordan Ellis



Today on the show, I'm talking with Jordan Ellis! Jordan Ellis is the Hufflepuff behind Jordandené, a geeky lifestyle brand based in Brooklyn, NY. Jordandené is a leader in geek fashion, using hand-lettered designs to celebrate pop culture with clothing you can wear every day. Jordan is also the co-editor of The Sartorial Geek, a quarterly magazine, blog, and podcast promoting nerd culture, girl power, and general good vibes.  We chat about Jordan's journey from running a geek fashion company,  realizing that there was a potential for so much connection through a community, and even creating a magazine about it! We get into the ups and downs of running a company during this time, how the community that Jordan has built has grown into something much more meaningful than she ever thought possible, and of course... lots of geeky goodness. This conversation was such a fun one, and I can't wait for you to hear more! Where you can find Jordan!  www.jordandene.com www.sartorialgeek.com www.jordan