10x Talk With Joe Polish And Dan Sullivan

How To Do Hyper-Personalized LinkedIn Marketing That Generates 20-40 Leads Per Day On Autopilot with Mike Koenigs - 10xTalk Episode #218



Mike Koenigs shares a system to solve the challenge of cost-effectively finding leads, qualifying them, and automating the process of connecting and messaging.  This same system has been responsible for bringing in $250,000 in new business and an estimated $600,000 in annual upgrades. If you're like Mike and need new leads that are highly qualified and ready to buy, you won't want to miss this episode. Here’s a glance at what you’ll discover from Mike in this episode:  LinkedIn Events: How to Generate 20 to 80 B2B Leads Per Day on Autopilot with LinkedIn Events How to attract (and convert) a constant stream of right-fit qualified prospects using LinkedIn What LinkedIn Events are and how Mike's LinkedIn Strategy generated 1,869 prospects in 28 days The key things you need to know to leverage LinkedIn and generate 100-200 prospects per week An 8-step system for creating events, inviting prospects, and converting prospects from LinkedI How to turn prospects into appointments and set up persuasive, automated fol