Capitol Confidential

A Tale of Two Budget Proposals



This week, Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo unveiled two budget proposals. Both are contingent upon how much New York state receives from the federal government. Cuomo even threatened to sue if the state doesn't get the $15 billion in federal aid that he has requested. That's enough to fill the budget gap that the governor and budget officials have cited for months. Capital Confidential host Amanda Fries talks with reporters about what the executive budget means for the region. What happens if the state doesn't get the requested federal aid? Capital reporter Edward McKinley answers that question and the possible revenue generators that could help close the gap. The executive budget paints a bleak picture for localities – especially those that rely on state aid. Albany reporter Steve Hughes shares what this means for the region's cities, and how they're preparing for the reduction in state aid. There are some promising elements in the proposal that would help revive the economy and support small businesses, business re