Starseed Radio Academy

A Divine Intervention: Revelations About Life and Death



Sharon Wagner has been on the spiritual path all her life. She is a teacher, channeler, counselor, and energy healing practitioner helping people gain balance and harmony for a more peaceful life. Sharon believes that knowledge with an understanding of the mind, body, and soul leads to wisdom, power, and the ability to make better-informed choices. This then leads to a change in behavior to have a happier, healthier, and more fulfilled life. She is a Reiki Master, Integrative Energy Therapy (IET) Master Instructor, and a Quantum Energy Healer.  At nineteen, she secretly planned her suicide. One night, Sharon questioned ending her life and wished there was someone to talk with since no one knew of her plans. That night, one of her spirit guides came during her dream state. He knew all about her life, her plan, and her past lives! He took Sharon to the Other Side, showed her an earlier past life, showed her Earth in a different dimension, and answered a multitude of questions. While writing this information dow