Ed Young Messages :: Audio

The Rescue: The Ring Is The Thing



In any rescue situation, the mission is always to save lives at all costs, to do the seemingly impossible, offering a second chance to those facing imminent physical peril. The same is true when it comes to our spiritual health. In fact, our need to be rescued by God is even more crucial to our ultimate survival. The Bible is an anthology with a central theme woven throughout the annals of time — rescue. God didn’t leave us to sink and drown in our sin and depravity. In his great love, he sent the ultimate lifeline to rescue humanity. He sent Jesus Christ to live perfectly, die sacrificially, and rise bodily, claiming victory over the grave and offering us the eternal hope of heaven. In this message, Pastor Ed Young reminds us to fix our focus on our God-given duty to seek and save lost people.He shows us that, while there’s a culture in crisis, Christians hold the true lifeline, the only real hope of rescue, and the ring is the thing!