Ed Young Messages :: Audio

The Blended Family



Couples in blended — or “step” — families often feel misunderstood, even in the church. They struggle with complicated child behavioral issues, battle-pitched custody fights, and difficulty finding unity in co-parenting. Threatening emotions such as guilt, shame, fear, and isolation are often overwhelming and become too much to bear. That’s why NOW is the time for these families to feel heard, helped, healed, and hopeful about the future — in fact, with Jesus, the best is yet to come!In this sermon, Ed and Lisa Young discuss these crucial issues with Scott and Vanessa Martindale of Blended Kingdom Families. We’ll learn that, with God, we can become the most significant driving force that breaks the generational cycle of divorce. Collectively, we can propel the change our world so desperately needs, united as the restored family movement. Together, let's change the face of the modern-day blended family and forever alter history in the name of Christ!