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Frank Forencich - The Enemy Is Never Wrong



Frank Forencich is an internationally-recognized leader in health and performance education. He earned his B.A. at Stanford University in human biology and neuroscience and has over 30 years teaching experience in martial art and health education. Frank holds black belt rankings in karate and aikido and has traveled to Africa on several occasions to study human origins and the ancestral environment.  The Enemy is Never Wrong: Martial Art, Activism, and the Fight for a Functional Future A sense of martial artistry is essential to our survival. Gripped by confusion, fear and outrage, we feel the need to act, but we don’t even know the fundamentals: what to fight, who to fight, when to fight, how to fight, or why to fight. Awkward and impulsive, we’re ineffective and a threat to ourselves and others. This is a book about radical realism and adaptability. It’s about understanding the world, thinking clearly, navigating complexity, and exercising skill in the face of escalating stress and ambiguity. Website |