Ai Group Podcasts

What On Earth - Episode 22: The NERF, The Safeguard Mechanism & Nuclear Electricity



It’s been a busy month of big announcement for Australia’s transitioning economy. In this episode, the three amigos unpack the announcements, and question what it means for Australian businesses. • What international opportunities in the transitioning economy are emerging for Australian businesses, especially in the infrastructure build? What can we learn from the trailblazers in this area? • What does the recently announced ‘National Reconstruction Fund’ bring to business? What is it all about and how does it fit into the transition to post-carbon? • What will the Safeguard Mechanism mean for the transition and for business? • And why hasn’t Nuclear Energy become a bigger part of the post-carbon equation? This is a fact-filled and fascinating episode, and quite a fun listen despite the weighty topics. The three amigos are ‘on fire’ and ‘on topic’: It’s well worth a listen.