Ai Group Podcasts

A conversation with an emerging leader in sustainable supply chains with Nicola Lane



In just a few short years, Nicola Lane has built an impressive reputation as a supply chain manager, leader, and advocate for sustainable supply chains. In this episode of Supply Circles, Host James Scotland chats with Nicola to learn of her short and impressive career to date and her views of the future. - Her urban, regional, overseas and now national roles and what she learnt. - The lessons for Supply Chain management during Covid especially Working from Home, the impact on communities and the challenge of being a young parent woth a demanding work role - Her thoughts on sustainable supply chains from her roles in the LNG, heavy infrastructure and other industries - The role of emerging leaders in supply chain management today - The lessons from her recent post-grad engagement with Cambridge University where she engaged with supply chain sustainability specialists from around the world and in multiple different industries - Her views on the importance of sustainability in supply chains going forwar