Between The Gutters Podcast

Episode 167: The Intimates by Joe Casey (DC Top 25 Honorable Mention)



The Intimates by Joe Casey, Giuseppe Camuncoli, Jim Lee, and others is a unique Wildstorm series that didn't have a massive audience. However, for the people it did connect with, it resonated deeply. This is a smart teen superhero book that's superbly crafted with much care and consideration. The high concept of the series is that it's about a high school for superpowered teenagers. However, the emphasis in this subversive series is on teenage life, and there is a relative lack of spectacle and superheroics in comparison to other teen superhero books. Although the book was unceremoniously canceled before its time, it's absolutely worth tracking down and reading today. Our intro discussion also contains Albert's report on the recent Wonder Con in Anaheim, California. Thanks again to Corey J. Beats for producing our theme music. Check out all of his music on various platforms here: If you have any thoughts, comments, questions, or corrections, we're here. Feel free to hit us up on our s