Dr Karin Love & Life

The Birth Order Effect with Our Brother, Dr. Warren Anderson Ep. 243



Welcome to a “behind the scenes” episode of Love & Life! Elliott and I loop in our older brother, Warren, to discuss the influence of our sibling relationships on our development. We begin by delving into how birth order impacts our personality traits. With 3 kids in our family we’ve had fun analyzing each other over the years and we do, in fact, possess many of the stereotypical traits of oldests, middles, and youngests. Elliott brings up a recent time where I was in charge of a gig we played together—spoiler alert:  babies aren’t typically the best leaders! We discuss Dr. Kevin Leman’s seminal work, The Birth Order Book:  Why You Are the Way You Are. Warren explains that it’s “lonely at the top” and Elliott reminds him how bossy he is! We examine our marriages in light of our spouses’ birth orders—which dynamics work well and which dynamics prove challenging. Join us for a behind the scenes look at Anderson sibling dynamics! We hope our conversation provides a touchstone for you as you analyze how your