Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

How to Test for Thyroid Conversion Problems (Order These Tests)



Thyroid conversion is one of the most important aspects of thyroid function that thyroid patients need to be aware of. Thyroid conversion refers to the ability that your body has to take inactive thyroid hormone and turn it into active T3 thyroid hormone. Throughout your time as a thyroid patient, you may have heard others mention that they have issues with thyroid conversion. Have you ever wondered how these people know? There are a few ways to find this information and today we are going to be talking about how to test for this problem. Before I do, let’s talk about some facts as it relates to your thyroid, T4, and T3: Fact #1. T3 thyroid hormone is by far the single most important thyroid hormone in your body. It is roughly 300 times more biologically active than T4 thyroid hormone. Fact #2. Most thyroid hormone produced by your body is NOT T3 but is actually T4. Fact #3. Only 20% of T3 in your body is directly produced by the thyroid gland. Fact #4. Roughly 80% of T3 is created through peripheral