Dr. Westin Childs Podcast: Thyroid | Weight Loss | Hormones

Create Your Own Natural Desiccated Thyroid Blend in 4 Steps



Did you know that with the clever use of some over-the-counter supplements and one prescription medication you can re-create all of the benefits found in natural desiccated thyroid hormone formulas? Doing this allows you to make whatever thyroid medication you are using even more effective by mimicking what makes NDT so great. Why is this important? Because when Nature-throid and WP Thyroid were removed from the market, there were a ton of thyroid patients who started doing poorly when they were transitioned over. In addition, we have a ton of thyroid patients using levothyroxine who are still experiencing low thyroid symptoms. The tips and tricks I’m about to share assume that you are starting with a levothyroxine base but all of these tricks can be applied to any thyroid medication including NDT and T3 formulations. Step #1. Add a thyroid glandular. Using a thyroid glandular allows to benefit from the proteins, enzymes, and pro-hormones naturally found in NDT. Step #2. Add T2 thyroid hormone. NDT con