The Rich Roll Podcast

How To Navigate Holiday Landmines: ‘Tis The Season For Grace & Gratitude



The holidays are a time of year for gratitude. So why do so many find it so hard to celebrate? There's a brisk chill outside. By late afternoon it's already dark. Our circadian rhythm dictates we slow down, hunker down and hibernate. But for the next month, we ignore the call of nature, mindlessly hurling ourselves into a frenzied state of overcommitted overextension. Too many obligations. Overspending on things nobody really needs. Keeping up with the Joneses yet never quite matching up. Stress. Anxiety. Conflict. Dread. Debt. But perhaps the biggest trigger of all? Family drama. The treachery of extended family holiday get-togethers can accelerate a perilous emotional state to the breaking point. The patterns are age-old and hard wired, yet each year we make the promise: this time will be different. But then like clockwork, the buttons get pushed. Patience? Mindfulness? Forget it. Reason and composure vanishes, replaced with primal reaction. The spark is lit, and once again you're once riding that emotional