The Rich Roll Podcast

How Josh LaJaunie Lost 200 Pounds, Ran An Ultramarathon, Transformed His Life Wholesale & Inspired His Community To Embrace Healthy Living



Josh LaJaunie is perhaps the most inspirational everyman example of healthy, transformative living I have ever met. After 151 episodes of the podcast, our first initial conversation back in December of 2013 (RRP 63) is to this day one of the most popular, most downloaded episodes in the history of the show. If you missed it, please make a point of listening to this amazing exchange here. That conversation transpired on Skype. We had never actually met. Now we have. At Healthfest in Marshall, TX a few months back I had the opportunity to spend an entire weekend with Josh. It was a memorable experience that left me more impressed than ever with this fine young man. Not just because he has overcome tremendous obstacles to restore and maintain his health. Not just because he continues to impressively evolve as an athlete and runner. But because of the exemplary human being he has become. A big spirit who continues to grow. A giant heart and shining example of service — constantly educating and inspiring his loved