The Rich Roll Podcast

Is Butter Really Back? Heart to Heart with Cardiologist Joel Kahn



America's #1 killer, heart disease currently kills 1 out of every 3 Americans; 70% of Americans are obese and getting fatter; and Studies forecast that by 2030, 50% of Americans will be diabetic or pre-diabetic. The great irony in all of this is that, as Dr. Kahn so astutely points out, 80-90% of all chronic health problems can be resolved via pretty simple diet and lifestyle alternations. The tricky part is translating these lifestyle alterations from theory to practice. I understand that it can be difficult for many, particularly when there is so much confusing information out there concerning about heath, nutrition and diet. So confusing in fact, that it becomes incredibly challenging for even the most savvy consumer to separate fact from fiction and truth from hyperbole. Just because good news about bad habits makes for tempting clickbait doesn't mean the information is reliable — its usually not. To help sift through all of this, I once again sit down for a heart to heart (pun intended) with cardiologist